Stimulus Trek
This year we are broadening our offerings to athletes beyond our traditional Simoce County borders. Rob Holmgren’s World winning Stimulus Performance Training is offering up a year round program to athletes from across our country. We are bringing the best of our "Race and Stimulus" offering and producing an all new “Stimulus Trek” package all under one roof! So for those who are committed to a higher level .... here are some of Rob's words to describe the offering. "In a nutshell.... I address every aspect of an athlete’s performance. Strength training, speed, endurance, power, and technical skills.
The program mantra is STIMULUS. I believe a heavy emphasis on developing power and its underlying pillars (form, strength, speed, core) coupled with ample recovery will give you the foundation you need to attain your goals. Skills and training stimulus both individually and in a group setting. Video feedback in-session and post-training. Group training rides, typically interval, and hill sessions provide an amazing stimulus for over-reaching.
Motorpacing both individually and in a group setting. Course pre-rides at MTB Canada Cups and CX Races." For those interested in this program, please reach out directly to Rob Holmgren at He will conduct an evaluation and assessment with regards to a rider’s suitability for this program. Interested athletes must provide a written athlete resume and cover letter which is to be sent to and for consideration.
Performance Program Cost $6000. (+HST if an athlete is 15 yrs or older)
Team Mission for Stimulus Trek
Stimulus Trek is a multi-discipline, high performance race team. Our mission is to best prepare our athletes for Canada Cup XCO and US Cup XCO level racing as well as high level CX racing in North America. Our focus will be Canada/US Cup XCO racing and C1/C2 CX racing in North America. Athletes will join us from across Canada and the US.
This team will be supported by the families and communities of its athletes. Families will be expected to contribute to the success of the athletes with race day support including transport of the team trailer, race day set up and tear down, coordinating race day food/drink for all those in attendance, and social outings/get togethers.
Athletes interested in being a part of the Stimulus Trek are required to submit an athlete resume with cover letter to both and by January 30, 2025. Please outline your 2025 goals and your long term goals in your cover letter. Team selections will be made by February 5, 2025.
Calendar for Stimulus Trek
The following events will comprise the events that Stimulus Trek will attend with team set up, coaching support for recon, pit service, and logistics planning.
Team Calendar coming soon:
Athlete Expectations with SNW:
All athletes will arrive at training with their equipment clean and in perfect operating condition. You will be well fuelled, hydrated, and mentally prepared to work hard. Not every day is going to be a good day but it is what you make of it! Your positive, engaged approach will drive you and your teammates to success in training and competition!
All athletes will be expected to record and upload all training activities. You will need a fully charged and functional bicycle computer for your bicycle with an accompanying heart rate monitor strap. Ideally each athlete will have a cadence monitor mounted on their RD/CX bike. Each athlete will be required to include written feedback for each training session. This feedback will be entered into the comments section in TP.
Each athlete will be expected to communicate prior commitments such as vacation, school sport events (i.e. cross country running, hockey..) to help ensure the best possible planning for each athlete through each week and month.
Each athlete will be expected to communicate their availability in Team Snap for each training session, event, and race. This information is essential in planning training sessions and ensuring that you are not missed in the parking areas at our training locations.
Each athlete will be required to complete Tru Sport (anti doping) training. Please submit your certificate to the team upon completion.
Each athlete will be required to complete Safe Sport training. Please submit your certificate to the team upon completion. You will be expected to treat all those involved in your sport kindly and with respect. This includes all of your competitors, coaches, officials, volunteers, organizers, teammates and their families, etc.
Family Expectations with Stimulus Trek:
The families of our athletes will be the foundation of our athlete support structure. With a clear understanding of our season race calendar families will sign up for tasks such as towing the team trailer to events, coordinating race day food/snacks for all in attendance, social gatherings, race trip logistics, etc.
Both parents will be required to complete Safe Sport training and submit a certificate of completion to the team. I want everyone to be clear about the expectations of behaviour between all members of our team. Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated in any form between any members of our team, the families, officials, volunteers, competitors, etc. This expectation of respect for all extends into all social media platforms, communications with governing bodies, parking lot banter, feed zones, hotels, etc.
Our coaching and support staff are world class. Each training session is designed to provide the best programming to stimulate our athletes’ development. As such our expectation is that parents do not coach from the sidelines during training sessions and course recons. These inputs are unwanted distractions that disrupt the session and undermine our coaches’ planning and credibility. Please share your respect and support for our coaches and staff by encouraging and supporting your children at home.
Strength and Conditioning for Stimulus Trek
Every Performance Next Wave athlete will benefit from a directed and comprehensive S&C program. Please reach out if you require assistance in gaining access to a gym. You will be given a specific program designed to maximize your on-bike performance.
December to end of March 2X per week to build for XCO/RD season
Focus on building strength into February, focus on power for March
April to XCO Nationals 1X per week for maintenance
August 2X per week to build for CX
September to November 1X per week for maintenance
Coaches & Staff with Stimulus Trek
All of our coaches are Safe Sport and Tru Sport trained. We provide athletes with a safe, inclusive, growth-mindset environment.
Rob - NCCP Comp Dev certified coach
Marc - Team Manager
Lisa - NCCP Comp Intro
Andrew - NCCP Comp Intro; Nordic Comp in progress; Team Mechanic and bike fitter
Colton - Strength and Conditioning specialist at PEAK Performance in Orillia
Gunnar - World Class XCO athlete; NCCP Comp Intro
Stimulus Trek Program fees: Program fees are based on 12 month participation. This program is not specific to Hardwood Ski and Bike property so trail pass and Wednesday night race series is not included. Discounted pricing will be made available for athletes optioning to use HSB. One set of kit will be included. The 2025 Stimulus Trek program cost will be $6000. (plus HST for athletes 15 and over).

"Stimulus Trek" program athletes also benefit from the following:
Certified Coaching Staff who are monitoring your year round Training Peaks and are committed to the progress of each individual athlete
Discounted Hardwood Ski and Bike trail pass
Discounted Hardwood Ski and Bike Wednesday Night Race Series
Team discount at Hardwood Retail Shop
Team discount for Hardwood Ski and Bike Winter Season Pass
Team Kit includes one long and one short sleeve jersey, bib shorts and socks.
Team support at all Canada Cup MTB races and many North American CX events